Just emailed the Council of Foreign Relations’ Max Boot to try and get Stefan’s substack to Harris & Walz advisors. A Nudge from Gen. Ryan might do it.

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Hi Stefan, thanks for this article, I find them very enlightening, the US MSM is pretty much worthless in reporting on this war its like they do no investigating they consult some Colonel that's been retired for 20+ years and knows little to nothing. X has tons of videos of the same thing from different angles, couple of blogger do a very good job but there is no information as to what the Ukrainian folks are really feeling and I get that from you thanks Slava Ukraini

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Excellent writeup, thanks Stefan. And looks like you too know how to throw a punch!

It's very frustrating to be a westerner rooting for Ukraine, and witness the apathy of our "leaders" almost 3 damn years into this full scale invasion.

Aside from weapons (for which we still have a lack of in Europe), I don't even understand why we don't close the Russian embassies and diplomatic missions. Ruscists are clearly raging an infowar and meddling with our politicians, even sabotaging what they can. This political apathy is senseless and a promise for bigger problems down the line.

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Also: Not sure if you are active on social networks. But if you are, could you please consider moving out of the evil places that are facebook/twitter and join the great people on Bluesky ? Or cross-posting? It's a really nice SN that is getting a lot of traction, very similar to twitter in the UX (but built on an open protocol that prevents it from ever going to the hands of an evil billionaire) and to mastodon in its architecture (decentralized servers connected to the fediverse - anyone can create one) but without the difficulty to migrate accounts and to find each others. Really the most promising technical approach to SN, and one that Tim Berner-Lee could approve of.

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