Excellent writeup, calling the Western approach for what it is - BS.

Shared over Bluesky https://bsky.app/profile/pixeline.be/post/3l3rrh4hk6y2g

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Not sure what you are on about in regards to Canada and F-16s. Canadians do not send their pilots for F-16 training to the US because 1-Canada only flies F-18, not F-16, and 2- Canada has its own facilities for the full cycle or fughter pilot training.

So when Canada says they will be training Ukrainian F-16 pilots what they mean is initial general training which is common for all fighter types - propeller and then light jet. Afterwards, the Ukrainian pilots will have learn to fly F-16 elsewhere.

Hope that helps with the confusion

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Excellent Post!

Thanks Stefan

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Thanks, Stefan.

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Thanks Stefan.

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How many are 'big numbers' of ATACMS and do they actually exist? Bare in mind they may be needed to fight the Iranians or Chinese at some point.

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Sad to read

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