Excellent analysis, thank you.

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“image stolen….”

Please credit all your sources. Someone stayed up late to make them.

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this is hardly worth crediting: a google maps snapshot with two lines and crosses added in MS paint? :-)

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Thanks for being back on Substack. Well written understandable and intersting analysis. In it you write:»A world in which Russia’s strategic nuclear deterrent is being degraded and destroyed by Ukraine, whose attacks are on track to intensify and become more effective over time, is a world in which Russia must be more nervous and trigger happy, and so a world closer to World War Three.» Todays local news here in Norway, was that Putin is planning/threathening to revise the rules for use of nuclear weapons. They shall now include attacks made with support from nuclear powers. The threath here should be that Russia can now hit back with nukes if somebody attacks them at all. Because they sure had help…. Ok. To me that telles me these attacks really have pissed him of, and they haven the foggiest idea on how to stop them. So they fall back on threaths. Sort of double painting their red Lines, do not cross, this time we really mean it. SOI say hit them more, this hurts!

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…it’s NOT probably

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