A superb and very knowledgeable and perceptive approach to a complex situation, all adding up to great lunchtime reading.

Your write-up is also very positive and makes one feel a whole lot better about having Syrsky in charge of the incursion into Kursk and the creation of the Sehm Pocket. It all makes me wonder if at some point the Ukrainian military leadership will demand that the Russian troops surrender or face total destruction.

Thanks once again, Stefan, for your excellent reporting.

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Another terrific update. Thank you!

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Actually, Lee's army was caught a bit off guard by Burnsides' concentration of the Union Army at Fredericksburg, for once. But the Union's steep learning curve struck again because once Burnsides men got there, they discovered that the bridges they were supposed to cross the river into Fredericksburg hadn't gotten there. So Lee had time to concentrate his army in the heights above the town and dare the Union to go ahead and cross anyway. One Northern journalist reported on December 9 that from the Union controlled side of the river he could both see the railway trains bringing the Confederate army to Fredericksburg and he could hear the axes, picks, and shovels that were building up the defences in anticipation of the attack. He concluded that an attack across the river into these defenses would be folly.

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Please keep it up Stefan. Many of us rely heavily on your excellent analyses.

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Thanks Stefan, very good informative article and like what I read about the UAF how its conducting themselves Glory to Ukraine

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You mention Lee and Longstreet you could also use the example of Wellington versus multiple French armies in the Peninsular culminating in Waterloo. You manouvre to lure the enemy into a killing zone. Its how small skilled armies defeat large over confident armies led by glory seekers.

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And how the Europeans conquered large part of the world some years later: Aggresive strategically, tactically definsively. It didnt work st Ishlandawa, but overall it worked fine.

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Great analysis incorporating and applying historical context and battlefield lessons learne!

Bravo Zulu--Glory to Ukraine!

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Thanks for the update and the analysis. Very interesting reading. As well as clear and understandable.

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Thanks again Stefan for the update.

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