Regarding "Trump was elected, in part, on ending or drastically reducing US support to Ukraine. He wasn’t quiet about it. Big parts of his electorate are rabidly anti-Ukrainian." This may be the media narrative, and certainly noisy parts of his electorate are rapidly anti-Ukrainian. But in this American's view, the true anti-Ukranians were a small fraction of the actual votes.

Even more than most politicians, fidelity to past promises seems to mean little to Trump. So long as he can sell whatever he does as a "win," my view is that he has a lot of flexibility. No clue here what the outcome will be, but in my view it is still pretty open.

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You do realise Croatia is in NATO right? And has supported you more, both politically within NATO and EU, and with military and non-military materiel, than most of big countries (if we look as part of GDP and part of existing military supplies).

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Can YOU define an Ukraine acceptable to all sides? That is, can you map the contiguous regions where Ukrainian is the majority language, and strategize for that to survive?

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probably the 18-25 age group makes up about 10-20 percent of that number.


This is a profound misconception. The demographics of Ukraine were affected by the catastrophic decline in birth rates in the 90s, and have not changed much since then. People under 30 are the smallest group.

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