Thank you for your excellent reporting. As a US citizen who is deeply ashamed of the actions of the present occupant of the White House, I am encouraged by your reporting on Ukraine and Europe.

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My theories on Trump's selection of opposition figures to approach:

1. Someone told him Poroshenko has a candy empire

2. Someone showed him a glam portrait of Tymoshenko

If the Sky Shield was set up as pictured and things got hot I expect it would play out like Turkiye 2015, where Turkiye set an explicit boundary, Russia crossed it, Turkiye protested, Russia crossed it again, Turkiye downed the plane, Putin spat venom but all that happened next was that Russia respected the boundary. If there are no legitimate military targets in the unbuffered zone then the only thing Putin can legitimately argue is that it's preventing Russian terrorism. Perversely enough it might make his military more effective if it was blocked from spending ordnance on civilians.

Mick Ryan's theory on the US cozying up to Russia is that it's a clueless and futile effort to form a US-Russia axis against China.

P.S. current slang term for a British person is "Brit"

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Or less slangy, Briton.

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I love your style of writing, informative and your confidence is uplifting. Can’t wait for Putin to be killed , Trump to be gone and Ukraine to win. It just seems so difficult when so outnumbered and The Koreans joining in and US almost switching sides.

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This Canadian stands with Ukraine. Our family has welcomed and sheltered Ukrainian refugee families and donated cash, furniture and other materials to help them. The Trump administration is no friend of our country either but their ineptitude is astonishing.

Your picture of the rake is simply priceless! Thank you for the smile.

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Thank you for a confidence-boosting, spirit-lifting post. Seen through your eyes the Dump administration - administer what? chaos and cruelty - is Keystone Kops/Three Stooges/Laurel & Hardy all mashed together in one asinine, ignorant rats' nest. I so hope that they continue to fall all over themselves demonstrating their incompetence - maybe the GOP and the MAGAts will finally see that there's really no there there. Only then can my home country begin the hard work of repairing all the damage done by these toddlers.

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Image of a rake 🤣🤣🤣

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Thanks Stefan, great post as always.

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Well, the US can still lift sanctions on Russia, unfortunately.

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Excellent piece! Especially the first section describing European response to Trump's war crimes. I pray that Germany, as you suggest, is indeed ready to abandon its post-war neutrality in matters military. If there's a silver lining to our (American) perfidy, it is that the Europeans in response are uniting to take up the cause and proceed without us. Hope it happens!

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By the way, Trump is demonstrably a Russian asset, if not an agent, and we need to say that loudly and often. The evidence is everywhere.

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Great post. Thanks

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Thanks for another very informative article, I really like the or else what response and the truth be know its right on, we in the US now have the most idiotic leadership ever trump is just dumb as they say if he had a brain he wouldn't know what to do with it. For us in the US in 2 to 4 years we'll be done with him lets hope Ukraine can survive that long I'm 100% supportive of Ukraine Slava Ukraini

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The US is the Venn diagram of clown and shit show.

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This updates make me very happy 😊. Excellent reporting as always.

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Yeah that's the point. A lot of wishful thinking.

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One of your very best, a delight to read.

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Always a great read, thanks Stefan

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The rake! Very funny. Trump is Sideshow Bob in so many ways.

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